Hope for you, your family and the community you love

Serving and loving the community of Rhydyfelin since 2014

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Varoious Icons; Bible, Coffee, Cross, People, Music notes etc.

We hope you will...



Where so much of what we do is online, it's easy to feel disconnected and isolated. We hope that in our events and services you can find a welcoming community, somewhere you feel safe and valued.



We hope you will come to believe the best, most awesome news ever! That God loves you and that He sent His son Jesus to die for you. It's at the heart of all we do. We talk about it a lot!



We believe God has a purpose for each life. We hope we can help you to grow and develop to be who God has made you to be, encourage you, equip you and teach you so you can make the most of the life God has given you.

Things we value

This is the stuff we care about that shapes our church culture


Truth has become an increasingly subjective concept in our world. However, when Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life" (John 14:6), that wasn't a subjective identity statement, it was a unshakeable universal truth. The truth is super important and we allow it to shape our lives. We do this though seeking it out in the Bibles pages.


Psalm 133 is three brilliantly beardy verses which talk about how wonderful unity is. That God commands a blessing where it is found. We have absolutely found that to be the case!  We worship, pray and work closely with other churches in the area, because what unites us is far greater than any branding, badges or differences in style.


Jesus "did not come to be served, but to serve" (Matthew 20:8) and he was God! He met the needs of those he came across, both practical and spiritual, and he encouraged his followers to do the same. So getting stuck in and helping out others where you can is a normal part of life for us. We try to help and support each other wherever we can.


Love God and Love others. Those are the two commandments Jesus says in Matthew 22 that the are most important things to follow. Everything hinges on those two commandments. The kind of love described here however is not the kind found on a valentines card. It is costly and sacrifical and means doing what is right (see 1 Corinthians 13).


Worship is why we were born. We were created "for [God's] glory" (Isaiah 43:7). Worship is all about making God number one in our lives and expressing that in all we do. People often think its about songs, but it's everything we do in response to knowing who God is, what he has done and what his promises are.


Jesus told his disciples to "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone" (Mark 16:15). All ages, cultures, shapes, sizes and colours of people are to hear the gospel and get the invitation to be a part of God's family. The church should reflect that, and be a beautiful tapestry of people, all united as one by Jesus.


The Bible is full of instructions to pray, such as; "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything" (Phillipians 4:6). We believe Jesus gave up everything to restore communication between God and his creation. We can pray knowing we are heard, and that when we pray God can do incredible things.


We are a church dedicated to the community of Rhydyfelin. It's a community which has challenges. It's a community that has had many disappointments over the years. But it is an incredible community full of people who deserve to be blessed, known, valued and know the hope of Jesus.

Find us

Our building is undergoing renovations and not yet in use, as such on a Sunday we currently meet at Rhydyfelin Community Centre, CF37 5RW